1. 内容优化:
2. 站外优化:
(1) 通过博客、微博、QQ空间以及各大SNS平台进行推广;
(2) 在相关行业门户上寻找机会, 进行市场拓展;
(3) 搭建外部链接, 向流量密集的站点进行友情链接;
(4) 通过BBS/论坛/博客/微博都是不错的途径, 进行影子站(Shadow Site) 等方式进行流量引导.
1. SEO优化:
a). 核心关键字分析: 第一要明确核心关键字, 根据核心关键字制作出一套SEO方法;
b). Title&Meta Tag: Title&Meta Tag是SEO中最重要也是最常用的工作之一, 要将Title&Meta Tag整理好;
c). URL Rewrite & Canonicalization : URL Rewrite & Canonicalization能够使URL看上去时更加整理耐看, 有利于SEO ;
d). Alt Text Optimization : Alt Text Optimization能够使图片在Google Image Search中显得出彩 ;
e). Internal Linking Structure : Internal Linking Structure能够使内部各个Page之间形成Link Network , 有助于Search Engine Bot 精准地Crawl Page . 2. 多页手法(Multi-page Technique): Multi-page Technique是一套Web Design Strategy , 在Design Web Page时将Content Divide into Multiple Pages , 这样不仅能避免Single Page Content Too Long而Load Time Slow Down , 还能依然把Content Present in an Organized Way . 3. Sitemap生成: Sitemap Generation是Search Engine Bot Crawling Website时必不可少的Steps之一 , 需要Generate XML Sitemap for Google and HTML Sitemap for User Navigation . 4. Social Media Marketing : Social Media Marketing is one of the most important parts of SEO nowadays . It can help to build up Brand Awareness and Increase Traffic from Social Platforms like Facebook / Twitter / Instagram etc . 5. Mobile Friendly Design : Mobile Friendly Design is also very important nowdays as more and more people are using mobile devices to access websites . So it's necessary to make sure that your website is optimized for mobile devices so that users can have a better experience when they visit your site on their phones or tablets .