
2023-12-26 25阅读
因此在进行淘宝客推广时也要考虑该因素对于用户是否愿意下单所带来的影响。4. 精准化奖励方式:……5. 追随市场风格:


1. 合理设置佣金:在进行淘宝客推广时,应根据商品价格及市场竞争情况合理调整佣金。如高价商品可考虑将佣金上浮10%~20%,中价商品则可适当下浮5%~10%,考虑到成本问题也不要太过割裂。

2. 根据季度特性来动态调整佣金:对于季度特性明显的大促期间,可以适当上浮部分相关类目的佣金水平来吸引用户注意力。


3. 考虑会员卡优惠因素:随着天猫会员卡的出现,很多高端用户都能够享受到会员卡所带来的优惠。因此在进行淘宝客推广时也要考虑该因素对于用户是否愿意下单所带来的影响。

4. 精准化奖励方式: 针对不同人士、不同行为、不同时把, 场内使用“奖励”方式, 早期尤其是新人, 各大APP都有一套独特的“新人奖励”方式; 针对快递/物流/供应链/生产厂家之间, 有一套独特的 “快递代理/供应链代理/生产厂代理” 等方式; 针对VIP / VIP+ / VIP++ 等, 有一套独特 “VIP+ / VIP++ 关注者 + 超VIP ++ 拉新者 + 天使航行者 + 天使航衈超神者 ” 等方式; 针对大促期间 , 有一套独特 “大促前三天 / 大促中三天 / 大促尾三天 ” 等方式 ; 针对看相关评价 , 有一套独特 “看评价+X % 优惠券 " 等方式 ; ……

5. 追随市场风格: 流行风格也是影响电子商务畅销度很大因子之一 , 各 APP 也要遵循市场风格 , 追随文化气氛 .

6. 构思巧妙 : APP 建立时 , 虽然没有太多重要内室 , 但是能够将已有内室连装上新装 (如 : XXXXXXX ) ; APP 架构时 , 虽然没有太多重要版面 ; APP UI & UX 时 ; APP SEO & SEM 时 .

7. A B Test : A B Test (A-B Testing) is a method of comparing two versions of a web page or app to determine which one performs better in terms of user engagement and conversion rate optimization (CRO). It can be used to test different design elements such as colors, images and copy on the same page or across multiple pages to see which version works best for your target audience and goals..

8. KPI Targeting: KPI targeting is an important part of any marketing campaign because it helps you measure the success of your efforts by setting specific goals that are measurable over time so you can track progress towards achieving them..

9. Retargeting Ads: Retargeting ads are a great way to reach out to potential customers who have already shown interest in your product or service but haven't yet made a purchase decision..

10. Social Media Advertising: Social media advertising is another effective way to promote products and services online through platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.. 11 . Content Marketing Strategies : Content marketing strategies involve creating content that resonates with your target audience in order to drive traffic back to your website or blog post .. 12 . Influencer Marketing Strategies : Influencer marketing strategies involve leveraging influencers within certain industries who have large followings on social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram ..


