1. 内容优化:内容是网站的核心,要求文字质量高、信息准确及时。同时还应注意关键词选用和密度,以及图片大小和位置的选择。
2. 结构优化:要使得用户能够快速找到想要的信息,最好将相关内容归类整理在一起。此外还应考虑如何使得浏览者能够便于上下浏览并更加易于理解。
3. 链接优化:需要考虑如何将不同页面之间建立有效的内部链接以及如何将来自其他网站或者相关行业领域的外部链接引入到当前网站中去。
4. 搜索引擎优化(SEO) : SEO是一门独特的学问, 要想在Google, Yahoo! 等常用的大型 搜 索 引 擎 中 胜 出 , 需 要 有 大 量 精 神 和 技 术 上 的 投 入 . SEO 也是一个永无止境的进行, 需要不断地对已有内容作出修正、升华并替代新内容来保证影响力不断上升。
1. 社交媒体:随着人们对Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,YouTube之海量使用者数量总是呈上升性势,因此利用这些平台来帮助扩大影子也成为很好方法之一;
2. Email Marketing:Email marketing也是常用方法之一;
3. Pay-Per-Click (PPC): PPC就是”pay per click” (付费/CPM/CPC/CPV) , PPC就是根据click rate来charge advertiser fee; 4. Affiliate Marketing:Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.; 5. Content Marketing :Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable content to attract and retain customers.; 6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing web pages so that they rank higher in search engines like Google and Bing.; 7 . Online Advertising :Online advertising includes banner ads placed on websites as well as pay-per-click campaigns run through search engines such as Google AdWords.; 8 . Social Media Advertising :Social media advertising involves placing ads on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to reach potential customers who are active users of those platforms..