1. 网站内容的构建:在企业网站的优化过程中,应该关注内容的构建。从用户体验出发,合理布局文字、图片、表格、视频等多样性内容,使得用户能够快速找到想要的信息。此外,也应当注意文字重要性以及文字大小对SEO效果的影响。
2. 合理使用关键词: 在优化过程中应当合理使用关键词来引导浏览者去看相关信息,并将有助于SEO效果的关键词加到核心位置上,如title,description,keywords 等都是不可或缺的部分;
3. 核心代码: 针对不同浏览设备(PC/Mobile) 要有不同版本代码;
4. 头部信息: 各个子页之间要有明显而正式地header link ,便于Googlebot 来遵循;
5. 高效能: 最好能将js/css/image 等剥零出来单独作为一叠文件 ,方便googlebot 进行crawl ;
6. SEO URL : SEO friendly url 是一个重要因子 ,url structure 要尽量遵循 google webmaster guideline .
7. Sitemap : sitemap xml file 是 Google bot crawl website content 的重要工具 ;
8. Robots txt : robots txt file 是告诉 Google bot 和 other search engine bots which page should be crawled and indexed or not .
9. Social media integration : social media integration is also important for SEO purpose . It can help to increase the visibility of your website in different social networks like Facebook , Twitter etc .
10. Link building & backlinks : link building & backlinks are very important for improving the ranking of a website in SERP (Search Engine Result Page). You need to build quality links from relevant websites with high domain authority and page rank to get better results from search engines .
11. Analytics tracking code implementation : analytics tracking code implementation is necessary for monitoring the performance of your website on various parameters such as traffic sources , bounce rate etc . This will help you to identify areas where improvement is needed and take corrective measures accordingly .
12 Mobile optimization :随时随地畅通高效访问是web 2 0时代人们所期待的,所以mobile optimization也是seo进行时没有可以忽略不计的因子之一。
13 Localization :Localization means making sure that your site’s content is tailored according to local language and culture so that it appeals more effectively to local customers or users who visit your site from different countries or regions around the world.. 14 Image Optimization :Image optimization plays an important role in optimizing a website as images can slow down loading time if they are not optimized properly.. 15 Internal linking :Internal linking helps visitors navigate through pages within a single domain easily by providing them with related information about what they are looking for.. 16 Content Quality Check :Content quality check ensures that all contents published on a particular webpage meet certain standards set by search engines like Google .. 17 Structured Data Markup Implementation :Structured data markup implementation helps search engine crawlers understand what type of content exists on each page so that it can be displayed accurately in SERPs (search engine result pages) .. 18 Website Speed Optimization