移动站点该如何优化? 移动站点搜索引擎优化思路

2023-12-26 13阅读
4. 架构好整个站的URLs;6 . 运用Google Analytics & Webmaster Tools 来监测整个站地图(Sitemap);


1. 移动站点搜索引擎优化(Mobile Search Engine Optimization,MSEO)是一项为了让手机用户能够在其中发布内容并使之得到正常显示和浏览而进行的工作。

2. MSEO旨在通过各类方法来保证手机用户能够以最佳效果浏览和使用相应的内容。

移动站点该如何优化? 移动站点搜索引擎优化思路

3. 它不仅要考虑到文字、图片、声音和影像的显示问题,还要考虑到如何将内容呈递出去以及如何根据不同手机平台对其进行快速传输。


1. 第一识别出目标用户的物理特征:尤其是重要的三大部分——CPU/RAM/Screen size ——即处理能力、存储能力和显示尺寸。

2. 根据上述三大部分来评估当前应由此站承受之量:例如JavaScript代码量、CSS代码量以及HTML代 码量。

3. 评估出当前站所应该遵循之“Best Practices”: 如HTTP 1.0 / HTTP 1.1 / XHTML Mobile Profile / WAP 2 .0 / CSS 3 .0 等标准;

4. 架构好整个站的URLs: URL Rewriting, Canonical URLs, 301 Redirects, 302 Redirects; 5 . 寻找合适的CDN (Content Delivery Network) 服务供应者; 6 . 运用Google Analytics & Webmaster Tools 来监测整个站地图(Sitemap); 7 . 选择合适的Advertising Networks (eBay Advertising Network, Google AdSense etc.) ; 8 . 运用AJAX & JSONP 技术来开发Web Applications; 9 . 高效能Caching System (Memcached or Varnish Cache). 10 . SEO-friendly Content Management System (WordPress or Drupal). 11 . HTML5 + Responsive Design for better User Experience on mobile devices and tablets; 12 .Optimizing images for faster loading time on mobile devices and tablets; 13 .Using Accelerated Mobile Pages to improve page speed performance on mobile devices and tablets; 14 .Integrating social media platforms into the website to increase user engagement and traffic from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.; 15 .Creating a separate version of the website specifically designed for mobile users with different content than desktop users in order to provide an optimized experience tailored to their needs.; 16 .Testing the website across multiple browsers and operating systems in order to ensure compatibility with all major platforms.; 17 .Monitoring search engine rankings regularly in order to identify any potential issues that may be affecting visibility of the site in SERPs.; 18 .Implementing structured data markup language such as Schema Markup or Microdata which can help search engines understand what your webpages are about more accurately..

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