1. robots.txt:Robots Exclusion Protocol 文件,也叫机器人排除协议。它是一个特殊的文本格式,用于告诉搜索引擎哪些目录或者URL不能够进行扫描。
2. sitemap.xml: 用来列出你想要地图中显示的具体内容, 如 URL 信息、上/下时性信心、重要性(priority) 以及其它数字化内容 (如图片). 这将使得 Googlebot 和 Bingbot 更加方便地寻找并检测到你站上的内容, 有助于 SEO 等工作。
3. favicon: Favicon (Favorites Icon) 非常小而独特的图标, 通常是 16x16px 大小或 32x32px 大小; 还有 64x64px 等大專版本也存在; 圆形 logo + icon = favicon! Favicons 最好使用 .ico 或 .png 格式傳進去 Web Server 中然后显示出来; IE6+ / Firefox 2+ / Chrome 5+ / Safari 3+都能正常显℃favicons!
4..htaccess : Hypertext Access File (Hypertext Access Files), Apache HTTP Server ™s configuration file format and the name of its per-directory configuration files are both ".htaccess". It is used to configure website access control on a directory level basis for web servers running the Apache Web server software or other compatible software such as Microsoft IIS7+. The most common use of this file is to set up password protection for certain directories or pages within your site so that only authorized users can view them after entering their username and password into a login form page created by you in HTML code using any text editor like Notepad++ etc., but it can also be used to customize error messages when someone tries accessing forbidden content on your site or even redirect visitors from one page to another automatically without having them click anything at all!.
5..css : Cascading Style Sheets (CSS )is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in markup language like HTML & XHTML which includes colors , fonts , layout etc... CSS helps separate content from design making it easier maintain websites over time with less effort required than if everything was done manually through coding each element individually every time something needs changing!. This makes updating sites much faster since changes made once will apply across multiple pages instead needing updated separately each time they need changed - saving lots of valuable development hours while still providing great looking results quickly too!.