1. 网站的内容是由页面来表达,而这些页面之间有一个特定的逻辑关系,就是所说的“栏目体制”。因此,在做好整个文字内容以外(如图片、Flash动画或者影片及声效文件也要含在重中之中) )时必然惦记上对应不同部分信息进行有意义性的布局。单独看得出来便是所说 “ 站 内 架构 ” 了 。 运用 HTML 样式代号 (CSS ) 原理 , 高明巧妙地将原始 HTML 风格代号(HTML Code) 运作出惊人般多风味, 多彩度, 多魅力般飘浮气泡式畸雕 (Bubble Style), 月花式畸雕(Moon Flower Style), 3D-CubeStyle…etc. 等不合诸多风呲 .
2. SEO优化就是使你能够通过SEO方法来改善你的website ranking in the search engine results pages and increase your website traffic from organic searches on Google or other major search engines like Yahoo and Bing etc.. SEO optimization includes both On-Page Optimization & Off Page Optimization techniques to improve your website visibility in SERPs for targeted keywords/phrases that are relevant to your business niche or industry verticals you serve with quality content & services offerings online through a well designed web presence of yours over the internet world wide web space!
3. SEO优化并不能直接促使流量上升;而要想看到显著成效,必然要依托交互性Web2.0+AJAX+RSS+XML...etc.,大重装武装前