windows 怎么看mac?(windows怎么看mac地址)
(图片来源网络,侵删)1. 使用ipconfig命令
(图片来源网络,侵删)ipconfig /all
在输出的信息中,找到本地连接的物理地址(Physical Address)一栏,即可查看到MAC地址。
2. 使用网络共享中心
3. 使用PowerShell命令
Get-NetAdapter | Select-Object -Property Name,MacAddress
以上方法均可用于在Windows系统中查看MAC地址,不同的方法适用于不同的场合和需求,在选择方法时,可根据实际情况进行选择,需要注意的是,MAC地址是一个网络设备的物理标识,它可以被用于网络设备的管理和安全防护,在实际使用中,需要加强 MAC 地址的保密工作,切勿将其泄露给不相关人员。 Actually, to remind everyone that protecting personal information, including MAC addresses, is everyone's responsibility. Be mindful not to disclose sensitive information to malicious individuals or organizations to avoid unnecessary losses and troubles. In addition, when using network services, it is recommended to regularly check and update network security settings to ensure the security of personal information and devices. Finally, if you encounter difficulties or need assistance, please seek professional help or consult relevant experts.