win10自定义缩放比例被锁定怎么办?xpewindows10 dpi fix
win10第三方软件整体模糊,这是因为在Windows10中微软采用了新的DPI解决方案,微软这么做可能主要是为了兼顾移动设备。解决办法如下:1下载Win10 DPI修复工具2打开软件后,选择“Use Windows8.1 DPI scaling”,然后选择缩放级别。点击“Apply”应用,在弹出的提示窗口中点击“OK”。3设置好后重启系统或注销重登录后就可以看到效果了。注意:软件会在C:\Program Files (x86)\XPE Windows 10 DPI Fix(此为64位系统目录,32位系统为Program Files文件夹)目录下面生成程序文件,并自动设置为开机启动(因为需要自动调整)。如果你想恢复默认,只需要打开工具后勾选“Use Windows 10 Default DPI Scaling”,点击“确定”,重启后删掉C:\Program Files (x86)\XPE Windows 10 DPI Fix目录即可。
To adjust the display font settings in Windows 10, you can follow these steps:
1. Right-click on the desktop and select "Display settings" from the context menu.
(图片来源网络,侵删)2. In the Display settings window, scroll down to find the "Scale and layout" section.
3. Under the "Scale and layout" section, you will see a drop-down menu labeled "Change the size of text, apps, and other items." Click on the drop-down menu and select the desired percentage for the font size. You can choose from the options provided or click on "Custom scaling" to set a specific value.
4. Once you have selected the font size, the changes will be applied immediately. You can check the preview to see how the new font size looks.